Welcome to EWCA 2024
The Future of Writing Centers
Ollscoil Luimnigh, Luimneach, Éire (University of Limerick, Ireland),
June 11-14, 2024
Please note that the EWCA 2024 agenda is now available here
Please note: This agenda is contained within the conference app, and logins are required to access some information within the app. To login to this app, you will need to use the same email and password that you used to register and submit your abstract.
The European Writing Centers Association (EWCA) is pleased to announce the 2024 EWCA Conference to be held on June 11th – 14th, 2024, at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Concurring with the 40th anniversary of Stephen North’s “idea of a writing center” (1984), the upcoming EWCA conference invites participants to take stock of regional and transnational directions in writing center research or practice and reimagine their futures. How have local practices or narratives impacted regional ‘Ideas’ of a writing center? And what might the future of writing centers look like in your center, region, or transnationally? We would like to invite EWCA members, affiliates and writing/writing center scholars world-wide to contribute to this year’s theme with research- and practice-based presentations, workshops, roundtables, performances, multimedia gallery submissions, and pecha kuchas. In addition to opportunities to network and exchange ideas informally, EWCA2024 will open spaces, time slots and other possibilities to meet within special interest groups.
If you have any queries, please contact us at EWCALimerick2024@ul.ie