Keynote Speakers
Dr. Isabella Buck
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden, Germany
Dr. Isabella Buck studied German linguistics, media studies and applied linguistics and holds a PhD in German Philology from University of Münster. She currently works at the Writing Center of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (Wiesbaden, Germany) and is also a freelance lecturer at various universities across Germany. Her research focuses on academic writing in the era of Artificial Intelligence, with an emphasis on the implications of AI for higher education, assessment, learning, and teaching. She is also a board member of the German Society for Writing Instruction and Research (gefsus).
Please follow this link to read Dr. Isabella Bucks Abstract.
Dr. Olga Aksakalova
Olga Aksakalova is Professor of English at LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York (CUNY) where she also co-directs The Office of Global and Experiential Learning and coordinates the Collaborative Online International Learning program. She founded and directed, between 2011 and 2013, the Writing and Communication Center at the New Economic School in Moscow. She is a recipient of multiple grants for developing virtual exchange programs, including Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (2021-2023). Her scholarship focuses on composition pedagogy and writing center administration in transnational and multilingual settings, international virtual exchange program administration, and life writing.
Please follow this link to read Dr. Olga Aksakalova's Abstract.